Mp3 Download song Jimeoin Just Me FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Jimeoin song lyrics

Jimeoin - Just Me Lyrics

d'you ever get into a lift on your own and as soon as the doors shut you
just like drop your trousers and pants and start dancin'?
or is that just me?
or what about whenever you're gettin' the doona inside the doona cover,
d'you like sneak inside the cover first of all, then get the doona in
with you and then sneak
out again as if you weren't there?
just me eh
d'you ever go into a bank, on your own, and you're just waiting in a
queue, and you get one of those pens with the chain on it and you just
like wiggle it around and
pretend it's a snake in the grass?

(is it you?)
is you, is it him,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
am i all alone in this twilight zone?
(or just me?)
just me?

d'you ever get into the bed and you're just about to slip off into a
dream, and all of a sudden your leg uncontrollably just jerks and you go
"oo-oo-oo! what was
or is that just me?
and it's even worse when you're sleepin' with somebody else 'cause your
leg does it and they wake up, and they go "what was that?" and you go
"it wasn't me, it was
my leg"
what about whenever you're telling a story and people are listening to
every single word you're saying, and all of a sudden you realise "what
am i telling this story for?
this is probably the worst story i know"

(is it you?)
is you, is it him,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
like am i all alone in this twilight zone?
(or just me?)
just me?

and trevor was a fish
and he lived in a field
he liked to play football
but fish don't have legs

(is it you?)
is you, is it him,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
am i all alone in this twilight zone?
(or just me?)
just me?

are you ever watchin' a movie with your friends and it gets to the sad
bit and they go "you're crying" and you go "no i'm not! just got
something in me eye that's all"?
or what about whenever you get drunk and you walk home and you see this
road sign that's been hit by a car and it's all covered in muck and you
think "huh, that'll
look good in the front room"?
and is it true that sometimes in girl's toilets they just go into the
toilet, they don't even use it, they just put the seat down and lock the
door and sit and listen to girls
or is that just me?

(is it you?)
is you, is it him,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
is it your auntie floe, your uncle bob,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
is that guy, you know that guy who owns the land up behind the
graveyard, smoked a pipe, wore a hat,
(or just me?)
or just me?
(is it you?)
is it all of us? is it none of us?
(or just me?)
or just
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